New JWC Publication Embraces Inclusive Child Justice With A Gender & Diversity Approach

Mon 13 March, 2023


Launched in March 2023, during the Spanish Advisory meeting for the World Congress on Justice With Children, the "Inclusive Child Justice with a Gender & Diversity Approach: Turning Challenges into Progress" Agenda for Action proposes 5 practical strategies to address the unique challenges faced by girls, adolescents, and children with diverse gender identities within the justice system.
These challenges are:

  1. The intersectionality as an analytical tool
  2. The essentiality of inclusive language
  3. The application of the principles of proportionality and rationality in the individualisation or determination of measures
  4. The specialisation of operators within the child justice system
  5. Regulatory outreach

By collectively addressing these challenges, we can contribute to the realisation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 5 and 16, which focus on gender equality, access to justice, and building inclusive institutions. The Agenda for Action advocates for the creation of efficient, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels. 

Read the Agenda for Action